Top 10k strings from Love Quiz 2 (1983)(Keith Burton).z80
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2 STATUS 2 ROMANCE 2 RELAXATION 2 POLITICS 2 OBSESSIONS 2 EQUALITY 2 CHILDREN 2 AMBITIONS 2 PRESS ANY KEY 2 PRESS A KEY 2 KEITH BURTON 1983 1 e3X'+-e3X' 1 You must both answer all the questions and you must be 1 You each take a turn at 1 YOU TWO LOOK LIKE YOU WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER: 1 YOU TWO ARE PRETTY CLOSE AND SHOULD GET ON WELL TOGETHER 1 Would you worry if you owed 1 Would you like to appear on TV ? 1 Would you like a big house in the country ? 1 Would you go on a political demo? 1 Would you get upset if someone repeatedly spilled cigarette ashon your carpet ? 1 Would you be upset if your 1 Would you be able to enjoy 1 Would you ask your partner 1 When you'r playing a game do youalways like to win ? 1 When you answer each question mark your response on a scare of0 to 5 . If your answer is very emphatically no then press 0 If your answer is very emphaticallyyes you Press 5 and so on. 1 These questions aren't designed to tell you whether you are a good person. They are simply intended to help you compare your attitudes, your beliefs andyour hopes. 1 There are no right answers and no wrong answers. 1 The fifty questions that follow are designed to help you find the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship. 1 THANK YOU FOR PLAYING 1 TAKE THE BIG TEST 1 Should young married couples wait a year or two before havingany children ? 1 PRESS A KEY 1 OK THEN HERE'S HOW IT WORKS 1 OK NEXT PARTNER 1 OH DEAR LOOKS LIKE YOUR 1 LOVE QUIZ 2 - BY KEITH BURTON 1 LOOK OUT these are your problem areas: 1 Is sex important for you ? 1 If you were working around the house in old clothes and you hadto go into town to buy somethingyou needed, would you get 1 If you walk into a room and a picture is hanging awry do you have to put it straight ? 1 If you inherited a few thousand pounds would you invest most of it ? 1 If you go out to dinner do you always choose dishes that you know how to tackle--avoiding exotic sounding things in case you end up looking silly ? 1 If both parents go out to work and a child is ill should it be the mother's responsibility to have time off work ? 1 If a woman earns more than a mando you think she should keep quiet about it ? 1 If a friend called for you in anold clapped out motor car would you be embarrassed ? 1 IT SEEMS VERY DIFFICULT TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE IN COMMON 1 First partner get ready 1 ENTER 5 for YES 1 ENTER 1 to 4 for undecided 1 ENTER 0 for NO 1 Do you want your own business ? 1 Do you want to be rich and 1 Do you vehemently oppose any political group or organisation ? 1 Do you think that women should stay at home until the children have grown up ? 1 Do you think that women should do most of the household chores ? 1 Do you think that the argument that a girl ought to be a virginwhen she marries is out of date ? 1 Do you think married couples should be able to have holidays without their children ? 1 Do you think it is wrong for a woman to make the first move in bed ? 1 Do you think it is unwise to borrow money from a friend ? 1 Do you think it is imporant to look presentable even when you'rjust pottering about the house ? 1 Do you think it a mistake to have too many children ? 1 Do you think children should be encouraged to take on 1 Do you think a car should be kept clean and shiny ? 1 Do you remember what you were wearing when you first met ? 1 Do you prefer to get the washingup done straight after a meal ? 1 Do you peek at labels on other people's clothes, luggage etc ? 1 Do you look for a holiday with organised activities ? 1 Do you like to go away with 1 Do you like going abroad ? 1 Do you like buying or receiving flowers ? 1 Do you get bored with inactivity? 1 Do you feel uncomfortable if youmix with people who are richer than you ? 1 Do you enjoy reading mild 1 Do you disapprove of private education and private health care ? 1 Do you cry at sloppy, weepy 1 Do you carry a photo of him/her ? 1 Do you campaign for any party ? 1 Do you believe that any sex act between two consenting adults isacceptable ? 1 Do you believe in saving for a rainy day ? 1 Do you approve of abortion ? 1 Can you remember your first kiss? 1 COPY ? (y) 1 Are you always pleased to see friends if they pop in 1 $D$AfFIDea$Qst(Sni(H(G(D(( 1 "LOVE QUIZ2" 1 unexpectedly ? 1 totally honest 1 someone money ? 1 results and tell you how suited to each other you are 1 responsibilities even when quiteyoung--Such as keeping their ownrooms tidy and doing chores 1 pornography and watching blue films ? 1 partner joined a political partyyou didn't like ? 1 marriage without children ? 1 famous one day ? 1 changed first ? 1 before spending more than `50 ? 1 around the house ? 1 answering the questions then thecomputer will compare your 1 ZX COMPILER V2.0 1 RELATIONSHIP NEEDS LOTS OF HARD WORK 1 Friends ? 1 Eg. 4= almost yes. 1 1983 THRELFALL and HODGSON Compiled OK Program Length = bytes To run enter RAND USR " 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO RUN AGAIN